IAI new judge - Lula Gouveia
After obtaining a degree in civil engineering from Mackenzie University in 2001, Lula Gouveia engaged in foundation - related work for six years. During this time, he took part in major projects including the Brascan Century Plaza, Rochaverá Corporate Towers, Rodoanel, and the Yellow Line of the São Paulo subway. He started studying architecture in 2002 and worked in several architecture - and - engineering - related offices during that period, handling corporate projects for clients such as Booz - Allen - Hamilton, McCann - Erickson, and the Votorantim Group. In 2007, he received an architecture degree from Mackenzie University and began working at Rocco Vidal P + W until he became a partner in Superlimão in 2008.
IAI new judge -- Yanfeng Zhang
Yanfeng Zhang,is a painter,designer and curator.He graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts.Executive Chairman in China of the International Association of French Artists and Designers; Vice - chairman of the Urban Cultural Planning Committee of the China Cultural Industry Promotion Association; Visiting Tutor of the School of Continuing Education, Central Academy of Fine Arts; Chinese Representative of the École supérieure des beaux - arts de France; Editor - in - chief of "Artist Map" Founder of Taixiang Art.
IAI new judge - Lizhan Yu
Li Zhan Yu, born in November 1969, is the director of the Department of Environmental Art Design, the director of the Furniture Design Institute, a professor and a doctoral supervisor at the Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University. He is the deputy director and chairperson of the Design Working Committee of the China Furniture Association, the vice president of the Furniture Design Research Society of the China Interior Decoration Association, a member of the Interior Design Branch of the Architectural Society of China, a member of the China Interior Decoration Association, and a member of the Ming-style Furniture Association of the Chinese Arts and Crafts Society. He is engaged in teaching, research and design in the environmental art design major. He lectures on interior design and landscape design courses for undergraduates. After starting his career, he has completed more than 40 various designs. He has published two books and more than 10 papers.
IAI new Judge - Wu Chen
Renowned architect Wu Chen has been invited to serve as a core member of the 17th IAI jury in 2024.