Works Appreciation
Decoration shop
In a showroom named "HOLFMANN", the designer also created a mysterious and fancy scene for six special crystal lamps, just like the Zone X in "Annihilation". Unlike the place of annihilation as depicted in the film, you'll find fascinating exotic symbiosis in different locations from different angles.In view of the characteristics of six crystal lamps, "HOLFMANN" is divided into 6 different functional areas by the delicately designed wall. Acting as both a host and a guest, each lamp gives the information to guide the viewer forward in each independent space. All bearing structure in the space was hidden in the wall. The brass finish with hand-made corrugated texture forms a wonderful sense of flow with light and shadow, as if the biological texture of the micro world linking the sky and the earth to spread vitality everywhere. The inlay of diamond surface in the cracks of wall and the built-in variable lamp belt conceals the gorgeous galaxy of the vast universe in it. The turquoise marble and sparkling crystal diamonds enhance the role of lighting creates a great energy field which is gaining momentum to show. While the free-curving wall functions as a spatial partition, it can also be seen as an independent artwork in space. Between the real and the imaginary, the surface of engraved copper wall provides the subliminal displacement guidance for the viewers who step into the space. Combined with the gorgeous agglomeration light effect of the main lamp of each area, a natural and smooth moving line comes out.