Works Appreciation
ecological folk cult
In China, Yunan province is a multi-national region, it has its own colorful national culture and traditional folk handcraft, especially in batik. (Batik is a kind of traditional textile printing and dyeing handcraft in minority area, they dip wax spatula into wax-melting to draw a pattern on fabric, and then use indigo to dip-dye the fabric, and the wax should be wiped off. ) This time, the red wine packaging design for Yunan , which is mainly focused on the technique of traditional batik and its unique modeling tactics, to draw an illustration of local humanity characteristic life picture. In the Dai nationality, it is believed that peacock is the kindest, smartest bird, peacock loves freedom and peace. It is a token of lucky and happy. So we combine Dai young girl with peacock modeling to draw an illustration for the main image. We use national features and regional features to strengthen the red wine brand, enhance its identifiability.