Works Appreciation
Userless Design
The criticism for userless design
There exist unhealthy phenomena in design industry (mostly design corporations and schools) that designers have been shifting their one-sided focus only to forms and what is in appearance rather than taking target users into account. For instance, some design, unable to built out, are stored on papers or in computers; commercial designers indulge themselves with stunning renderings; graduates are addicted to magnificent but inane final year projects. Our poster is a critical design, likewise criticized design and designers. It is the time to disclose those impracticable ones and trigger everyone’s thinking and reflection. We designed a chair with visual dislocation, a seat unable to be sitten on, to present our critics on those design that only feasible on the screen. We deem it that design need critics. Poster is an entertaining and powerful approach, thus we present our critical design with a poster. We, inspired by M.C. Escher’s impossible objects, design a chair with visual dislocation, a seat unable to be sitten on, to criticize on those design that only feasible on the screen. The preternatural chair is a visual narrative that expresses our ideas.