Works Appreciation
Heart of the City: Art and Equity in Process and Place

This project re-imagines a car-centric streetscape of two city blocks and a plaza as a new public realm aligned with the city’s vibrant and diverse community. Proactive community engagement drove the success of this work: over 70 pop-up and prototyping events, one-on-one stakeholder meetings, artist sessions, and other engagement events captured a true understanding of the community's needs and desires for this project.

The project pioneers a curbless street design, integrates dramatic public art installations from local and internationally known artists, and utilizes custom-designed accessible site furniture. Cutting-edge sustainability strategies promote greenery and reduce stormwater runoff and ice-melting salt usage.

It’s an amazing example of how to reimagine a traditional street into a place for people, with an incredible mix of uses that support community. The project goes beyond creating a place; but a sensitive, inspirational urban heart that minds its people and pumps energy into the surroundings.