Works Appreciation
Tianlu Lake Hongsing Seed Valley Startup Area- Plant Factory
Breeding Centre – designed in hemispherical dome, the exterior of the center is composed of steel structure and ETFE film, with an interior which is primarily used for display and science dissemination. Combined with floodlighting system, the semi-dome is framed as a seed glowing under the starry night. It functions as a breeding center with aerospace themed features, as well as a plantation factory implementing the three-dimensional plant-cultivation technology of aeroponics. Sitting at the core of the sphere is the Shrine of Seeds, of which the outer envelope is the showcase of the seeds cultivated via means of aerospace agricultural science and technology. Whereas the inner pyramid-shaped exhibit, which houses the tissue culture seedlings of a variety, functions as an aerospace breeding experiment and achievement demonstration station.
The project emphasizes the concept of low-carbon and environmental protection. Compared with other similar coating materials, the application of ETFE film consumes less energy, thus reducing the overall carbon footprint. In addition, the nature of the product enhances the building physics through heat insulation and lighting, thus contributing to the global low energy consumption of buildings. Wastes from the manufacturing process and even old ETFE components can be re manufactured into new ETFE products, such as pipe components, wires or castings, to reduce carbon emissions.